Data Diving


My blog Data Diving tells stories about my daily life as a Data Scientist. I show some university and private projects, in the future I want to extend it with philosophical, ethical and theoretical thoughts about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and different programming languages.

Luanas Schreibstube


Luanas Schreibstube is my private blog where I collect thoughts about books and writing. I love to invent fictional characters and let them live in my stories. When I'm not writing, I'm probably reading: I like all kinds of Science Fiction or Fantasy, but also contemporary literature.

Projekt Irland


In 2016 my partner and I spent some months in Ireland. In the year before, we bought an old camping car (BJ 1990), renewed some of the furniture and technology, and had a beautiful time on the Green Island. On our blog Projekt Irland we collected some stories, adventures and pictures.

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink